20 OCTOBER 2025: Date of the next Calgary Municipal election.

In the 2021 election there were nine new faces elected to wards 1 Sharp, 2 Wyness, 3 Mian, 5 Dhaliwal, 7 Wong , 8 Walcott, 11 Branagan, 12 Spencer and 13 McLean. There were five (5) who were re-elected in wards 4 Chu, 6 Pootman, 9 Carra, 10 Chabot and 14 Demong. And Gondek, newly elected as Mayor.

If the contents of the “Sprawl” newsletter are to be believed. Then the above noted councilors are guilty of the most one sided give away in the history of Calgary sports. Giving the Calgary Flames a Professional and for profit organization with Billionaire owners, 831 Million Dollars in upfront money, in return for them repaying only 316 Million Dollars over a 35 year period, that’s a paltry 9 Million Dollars a year for these Billionaire owners…