
AUGUST 2024 – THE CHOICE FOR CALGARY CITY COUNCIL WAS SIMPLE: Give Hundreds and Hundreds and Hundreds of Millions of Dollars to Multiple Billionaire owners, so that they can build One Hockey Arena for 13,000 season ticket holders… OR…..

Use that money to build Multiple Multi-Use Indoor Sports Facilities across the City, for the tens upon tens upon tens upon tens of thousands of Calgarians that range in age from Four to Forty plus, that are enrolled in playing BasketBall, VolleyBall, Soccer, Rugby, BaseBall, FootBall, Hockey, Lacrosse, Cricket and many more physical activities. More Coming Soon.

IMAGINE – The architect designs illustrated below, built in the City of Calgary.

IMAGINE – Multiple Multi-Use-Indoor-Sport-Facilities, the only difference, size and scope. Built in strategic locations in each quadrant of the City.

CALGARY DOWNTOWN CORE: Build 2 or more of these facilities on the edges of Calgary’s Downtown Core and they will attract users to the Downtown Core 365 days a year. With such facilities the City of Calgary could easily become the destination hub for all Indoor Sport Tournaments within Alberta, Canada and maybe even North America.

CALGARY is pregnant with multiple possibilities. It’s the responsibility of those elected to not only recognize those possibilities, but also their duty to deliver on them.

There is an urgent need for such facilities.